Monday, July 7, 2008

On our way

Arrived in Whangarei on 29 June 2008. We are now into our final preparations for the trip to Fiji. There are still lots of things on the list to be done. Both parents are flat out. Everything is so much easier to get to in a smaller city. Hamish has settled into cruising life very easily – straight into the dingy and rowing off to investigate the town basin. Both children quickly made friends with others nearby and spend most of the fine days feeding sprats and ducks in the river, having rides in the plastic carts and the occasional trip down river in a rubber dingy with a 25 horse outboard. School has started as the correspondence packs have arrived. So far so good. I'll put some photos on when I remember to take some!


Ben said...

Hi Turvey Family, We finally got around to checking your blog site as had been talking about where you were. Hope everything is going well for you and you are warmer and drier than it is back in AKL. Back to school this week after busy holidays and its half way through the year already. We will look forward to seeing some of your adventures along the way. And let you know the hockey scores Hamish. All the best. Ben, Alana & Megan Roberts

Unknown said...

Yeah found your site.
Will keep a weather eye on it.
Chubasco has never been so neglected and we are suffering withdrawl symptoms.
Will be remedied when we get back from Aus
Hope all is well with you all