This is the day that Hamish, Kate and their friends Nancy and Molly nearly ended up on their way out to sea. Hamish had made friends with a very nice guy who worked at the nearby resort. He generously invited Hamish and co. to go out for a ride on the resort jetski and their rubber donut. They took off at about two pm. I took some of these photos as they left. I was waiting for them back at the resort and started to get a bit worried when they didn't come back by three. I was watching to see if Lindsay had come back from town as he had the dingy with the 8 horse outboard and I could get him to go and look for them. At four o'clock a women came out and told me that they had broken down and that they were sending out a rescue boat. About half a hour later they arrived back seemingly none the worse for their "adventure". It did turn out that they had started to drift down past Port Vila and that the youngest had got frightened as they floated past the chanel markers and were heading towards the harbour entrance markers. Hamish had suggested to lie flat to stop the wind catching them and they had tried kicking to stop the drift. It all sounded like a modern day version of the Arthur Ransome story "We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea."
The original Yacht Layout of Blue Heron
16 years ago